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Vitamin C is essential for life

Where to find Vitamin C?

It is very often associated directly with orange and also with orange juice which can provide the necessary daily dose of vitamin C, approximately 110 mg per day. We find it in many colourful foods such as pepper, cabbage, parsley, broccoli, tomato, sorrel as well as in fruits and citrus fruits. Eating 5 fruits and vegetables per day allows you to reach the necessary vitamin C intake to observe all its benefits.

However, care must be taken when storing foods containing vitamin C. It is the most fragile of all vitamins: sensitive to water, heat, air and light. For example, at room temperature, half of the vitamin C content of a food can be lost in 24 hours. Cooking and storage methods must therefore be adapted to limit losses. It is recommended to cook foods containing vitamin C in as little water as possible and as quickly as possible. Squeeze orange juice and drink it immediately because after 30 minutes, there is much less.

Essential to the functioning of the body, a deficiency in Vitamin C causes scurvy, a disease that was once common among sailors who could no longer find vitamin C in their diet (due to a lack of fresh fruit, etc.). Hence the name of this vitamin: A-scorbic (a-scorbutic for anti-scurvy). The biologically active form is L-ascorbic acid.

What are the benefits of Vitamin C for the body?

Through its antioxidant function it helps neutralize the action of free radicals by protecting the body from the damage they can cause. This helps extend the life of cells, making them more resistant. It helps boost the body's immune functions.

It keeps blood vessels healthy by preventing them from narrowing. It helps form red blood cells and also plays a fundamental role in protecting the heart, acting as a preventative agent for heart disease, high cholesterol and blood pressure.

It improves mood, reduces stress and anxiety : several studies show that there is a link between increasing vitamin C consumption and reducing mood disorders.

It promotes weight loss : Eating foods rich in vitamin C, as well as vitamin C supplements, can be of great help to those who want to lose weight. It plays a fundamental role in controlling blood sugar levels and promotes fat oxidation during exercise. It also helps absorb iron from plants. In fact, people with a vitamin C deficiency have a harder time losing fat than those who take the correct amounts of this vitamin.

What are the effects of Vitamin C on the skin?

It contributes to the healing of wounds and fractures: by supporting the development of collagen production, present in bones, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, teeth, skin and other organs.

It promotes healthy skin, hair and nails : it contributes to skin elasticity, prevents the appearance of stretch marks, promotes hair growth and strengthening and maintains the integrity of nails.

It helps slow down the aging process : its antioxidant properties and its important role in the synthesis of collagen make vitamin C an important ingredient in the anti-aging process. Consuming vitamin C helps fight the damage caused by toxins in our daily lives and slows down the effects of free radicals in our body by slowing down the aging process of cells and preventing wrinkles and dry skin.

What are its properties in cosmetics?

At the skin level, it mainly exerts an anti-oxidant, depigmenting and collagen production stimulating action.


After exposure to UV radiation, it has been proven that the amount of vitamin C is dramatically reduced (up to 2/3), which proves the effectiveness of antioxidants in neutralizing free radicals.

Application of L-ascorbic acid to the skin has been shown to significantly increase vitamin C concentrations and counteract UV-induced cellular damage (including erythema and cell death) by scavenging free radicals. 


L-ascorbic acid acts on two levels on skin pigmentation: it inhibits an enzyme involved in the production of melanin (tyrosine), and on the other hand, it reduces oxidized melanin, which lightens spots and makes them less visible. These depigmenting properties give Vitamin C a strong anti-spot and lightening efficacy, proven in vivo by numerous studies (ingredient recognized as a quasi-drug in Japan...).


Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is essential for the structure of the skin. Vitamin C has been shown to stimulate the biosynthesis of collagen by dermal cells (fibroblasts) as well as the proliferation of these same cells. These complementary actions contribute to the maintenance of a mature collagen framework that gives the skin its firmness and mechanical resistance.